Contact B.O.T.A.

Sydney Study Group

15 Francis Street, Sydney, New South Wales

Meetings are held at 15 Francis St, Sydney, (off College Rd which borders Hyde Park) Nearest central train stations Museum / Town Hall. 1st Tuesday of the month: Qubalistic Healing Service and recorded lecture by Rev. Ann Davies. 3rd Tuesday of the month: Pronaos Healing Ritual for initiated members.


Adelaide Study Group

Adelaide, South Australia

Monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday each of month between 2 and 4 pm.


Brisbane Study Group

355 Wickham Tce, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000

Meeting dates will be advised. If you wish to attend a BOTA Study Group in Brisbane , please phone or email the BOTA contact in your area to ensure when the meeting is being held. Venue : Brisbane Theosophical Society, 355 Wickham Tce, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000.


Melbourne Study Group

Melbourne, Victoria

Monthly meetings are held on the third Sunday of each month If you wish to attend a BOTA Study Group in Melbourne please phone or email the BOTA contact in your area to ensure the meeting is being held.Cancellations can occur if the venue is not available on the regular prescribed Sunday.


Email BOTA

Use this form to send an email to your local group coordinator.

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